AI providers

Before we get started you will need to prepare which AI provider you intend to use. You can choose a single one, or mix them up. These are the options:

  • OpenAI Online. Requires API key, create a key here. A Tier 2+ API account is recommended, else you will run into rate limits. Upgrade to Tier 2 by adding at least $10 to your account.

  • Groq Online. Requires API key, create a key here.

  • Anthropic Online. Requires API key, create a key here.

  • OpenRouter Online. OpenRouter support is basic. Use the OpenAI provider, and change the base url to "". Requires API key, create a key here.

  • Ollama On Device. Download Ollama here.

For most AI providers, the only required information is entering your API key, leave the other fields blank unless you have a specific reason to. OpenAI users that are part of multiple organizations, can fill in their organization id (org-xxx).

For OpenAI you can also select a voice as it can be used as a Text-To-Speech engine under general settings.

Ensure you make the AI provider of your choice the default, by clicking the set default button.

Though on-device AI is possible, the models are currently behind the cloud models in power and intelligence. Working with on-device models requires more effort from you, the user, to help the AI understand your intent. For beginning users, we recommend using one of the cloud models.

Last updated